Marge leidet unter dem Streß im Haushalt. Ein ernstes Symptom: Marge fallen die Haare aus - und das nicht zu knapp. Zu ihrer Entlastung soll ein Kindermädchen engagiert werden. So erscheint plötzlich "Shary Bobbins". Den Simpsons Ordnung und Benehmen beizubringen, ist nicht einfach. Sie versagt kläglich. Ihr wird klar, daß die Simpsons lieber so bleiben wollen, wie sie sind. Und so verschwindet "Shary Bobbins" ebenso schnell, wie sie gekommen ist.
Ich darf nicht die Prozac meines Lehrers verstecken. (I will not hide the teacher's Prozac.)
Die Familie rennt nicht herein. Die Couch ist leer. An der Haustür kämpft Homer mit dem Schloss und schlägt gegen die Tür, seine genervte Familie hinter ihm.
Lisa: If you wish to be our sitter Please be sweet and never bitter. Help us with math and book reports Bart: Might I add - eat my shorts! Lisa: Bart! Bart: Just cuttin' through the treacle.
Lisa: If Maggie's fussy, dont avoid her Bart: Let me get away with moider! Lisa: Teach us songs and magic tricks Homer: Might I add - no fat chicks! Marge: Homer!
Lisa: The nanny we want is kindly and sage Homer: And one who will work for minimum wage. Lisa: Hurry nanny, things are grim Grampa: I'll do it! Bart & Lisa: Anyone but him.
Shary: If there's a task that must be done Don't turn your tail and run Don't pout, don't sob Just do a half-assed job!
If... you... cut every corner It is really not so bad Everybody does it Even mom and dad. If nobody sees it Then nobody gets mad Bart: It's the American way!
Shary: The policeman on the beat Needs some time to rest his feet. Chief Wiggum: Fighting crime is not my cup of tea! Shary: And the clerk who runs the store Can charge a little more For meat! Apu: For meat! Shary: And milk! Apu: And milk! Beide: From 1984!
Shary: If... you... cut every corner You'll have more time for play Shary & Familie: It's the American waaaaay!
Shary: In front of a tavern Flat on his face A boozehound named Barney Is pleading his case.
Barney: Buy me a beer Two bucks a glass. Come on, help me I'm freezing my ass. Buy me brandy A snifter of wine. Who am I kidding? I'll drink turpentine.
Moe: Move it, ya drunk Or I'll blast your rear end. Barney: I found two bucks! Moe: Then come in, my friend!
Shary: And so, let us leave On this heartwarming scene. Bart: Can I be a boozehound? Homer: Not till you're fifteen.
As a husband and a father, I'm sub-par. I'd rather drink a beer Than win father of the year I'm happy with things the way they are.
Lisa: I'm getting used to never getting noticed Bart: I'm stuck here till I can steal a car. Marge: The house is still a mess And I'm going bald from stress Bart, Marge & Lisa: But we're happy, just the way we are.
Ned: They're not perfect But the Lord says "Love thy neighbour." Homer: Shut up, Flanders. Ned: Okely-dokely-do. Shary: Don't think it's sour grapes But you're all a bunch of apes And so I must be leaving you!